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12 Aquatic Collective Nouns That Will Make Your Heart Squee

12 Aquatic Collective Nouns That Will Make Your Heart Squee

You know what to call a group of cows or sheep, but do you know the names for groups of animals in the ocean? Why neglect your friends under the sea? Learn which animals congregate in a cast today!

Army of Herring

Attention! Most fish swim in schools, but herring swim in armies.

Bed of Oysters

Buried in the sand of the ocean floor or on the beach, you can find a bed of oysters. Clams, too, are found in beds. Is that why they are so famously happy?

Cast of Crabs

A cast sometimes refers to the actors who work on a television show. At the beach, the only cast you are likely to see is a cast of crabs.

Couples and Pairs of Octopuses
According to one commenter on Yahoo Answers, when it comes to octopuses, “two is company, and three’s a crowd.” Octopuses tend to go solo unless they pair up to mate.

Gam of Whales

Gam is an archaic word for a social party. Its origin is unknown, but it may come from a nautical term referring to a meeting of whaling ships at sea for the crews to exchange news. Is that why whales, being the social creatures they are, are sometimes called a gam when they meet up together?

Walk of Sea Snails
Not every sea creature swims. Some of them prefer to promenade with their friends. Sea snails move pretty slowly, which is why we call groups of them walks.
How many of these did you know? It’s cool to learn about animal collective nouns, isn’t it? Why not learn about the names for adorable baby animals next?

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